SimplyNature’s PPARs: Your Key to Prevention and Management!
Clinically proven to help your body manage blood sugar levels naturally.
SimplyNature PPARs is composed of natural food micro-algae. Like most green plant foods, they do not have specific contra-indications with drugs. Because they are composed of natural green plant food micro-algae, they are beneficial for everyday consumption, even by children. This forms a natural shield of protection against the development of diabetes by helping the body maintain a healthy insulin sensitivty.
Manage Blood Sugar Levels
SimplyNature PPARs is composed of natural food micro-algae. Like most green plant foods, they do not have specific contra-indications with drugs. Because they are composed of natural green plant food micro-algae, they are beneficial for everyday consumption, even by children. This forms a natural shield of protection against the development of diabetes by helping the body maintain a healthy insulin sensitivity.
Manage Blood Sugar Levels by triggering your cells to metabolize sugar naturally.
Certified by Department of Health** to be beneficial for the management of Blood Sugar.
Lower Blood Sugar Levels
SimplyNature PPARs has been proven to improve blood sugar levels in clinical trials. Unlike common diabetes medication, our PPARs work on the cells to restore their sensitivity to insulin. So that just like healthy cells, the body is once again insulin sensitive and is able to metabolize and manage blood sugar levels naturally. Our PPARs is able to this by triggering PPARs gamma receptors in a similar pathway as next generation PPARs based diabetes drugs. While next generation diabetes drugs do it with synthetic ligand agonist, our PPARs are natural agonist comprising of long-chain fatty acids.
It is also an ideal form of supplementation for pre-diabetic or mild diabetic patients whose physicians recommend dietary management treatments instead of drug medication.
Natural & Safe Prevention
SimplyNature PPARs is composed of natural food micro-algae. Like most green plant foods, they do not have specific contra-indications with drugs. Because they are composed of natural green plant food micro-algae, they are beneficial for everyday consumption, even by children. This forms a natural shield of protection against the development of diabetes by helping the body maintain a healthy insulin sensitivty.
* Patients on (strong) diabetes medication should monitor their blood sugar levels closely while using SimplyNature PPARs. Because their body might be effectively managing their blood sugar levels, the additional intake of diabetes drugs at previous dosages may induce hypo-glycemia or low blood sugar levels. Patients who are experiencing positive results in blood sugar management using medication and Simplynature PPARs should review with their physician on the possibiity of lowering their diabetes medication gradually.
** Certified by the Ministry of Health, Taiwan to be beneficial for the management of blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and immune system. Certification is based on peer reviewed and published medical research.
Manage Blood Cholesterol
Increased Blood Cholesterol levels are a common side effect of drug based Diabetes medication. Manage your blood cholesterol naturally with PPARs agonist.
Lower LDL
SimplyNature PPARs has been proven to lower LDL in clinical trials. Most patients experience normalising of their blood cholesterol levels after one month of using PPARs tablets.
Increases HDL
SimplyNature PPARs has also been proven to increase HDL levels in clinical trials. HDL are good cholesterol that help remove LDL or bad cholesterol build-up in your blood vessels. HDL reduces, removes and recycles LDL by transporting it to your liver to be reprocessed.
PPARs Plus Tablets
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Cleansing Plus Mixed Berries Box of 15sachet
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PPARs Extract Softgel

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PPARs Extract Powder

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PPARs Extract Liquid

1 vial per day
10 tablets 2x a day
1 sachet of Cleansing Plus
2 scoops 2x a day
10 tablets 2x a day
1 sachet of Cleansing Plus
1 capsule per day
10 tablets 2x a day
1 sachet of Cleansing Plus
Success Story
Read moreMalignant Tumors • Benign Tumors • CystsOur
PPARs series of products are RICH in Gene activator-PPARs agonist and Phytonutrients leading to MULTIPLE PATHWAYS of FIGHTING CANCER.
Skin & Joints
Read morePsoriasis • Eczema • Rheumatoid Arthritis
SimplyNature’s PPARs: Addressing the Root of Skin Diseases.Many Skin diseases can find their roots in the auto-immune system. From simple inflamation that causes redness, allergic rashes, to full blown auto-immune diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
Read moreHigh Blood Cholesterol • Atherosclerosis • Hypertension • Stroke
SimplyNature’s PPARs: Your Heart’s Best Partner!The natural PPARs agonists in SimplyNature PPAR products activates the body’s PPAR ligands to protect our blood vessels from Atherosclerosis.