Lupus is a devastating and life-changing disease that currently has no cure. Women are more likely to get infected with lupus. Ninety percent (90%) of lupus patients are women. Most people with lupus develop the disease between the ages of 15-44. For many people suffering from lupus, it brings about extreme fatigue. In this post, we will look at the top 5 supplements for lupus fatigue.

Lupus affects every aspect of one’s life, including work, school, finances, social activities. It is never easy to deal with lupus. The burdens of lupus on daily life can be devastating where nearly 89% of lupus patients can no longer work full time and continue their daily activities due to lupus symptoms and complications.
Monique Gore-Massy Shares How Lupus Has Impacted Her Life
Fatigue is one of the common symptoms of lupus. In fact, most lupus patients will experience fatigue at certain points of illness. About 90 percent of people with lupus are experiencing some level of fatigue.
Overview: Top 5 Supplements of Lupus Fatigue
1. 4 Different Types of Lupus
2. Fatigue is a significant symptom of Lupus
3. How to alleviate Lupus Fatigue
4. Top 5 Supplements for Lupus Fatigue
5. B-Vitamins
6. Iron Supplements
7. Citrulline
8. Magnesium Supplements
9. PPARs Supplements
4 Different Types of Lupus
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive. The body's immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy tissues and organs instead of viruses or bacteria that may harm our body. Lupus can affect any part of the body from the skin, to the joints, to the organs, causing inflammation and damages.
There are 4 different forms of Lupus with different symptoms and complications.

1. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- SLE is the most common type of lupus which accounts for approximately 70% of all lupus cases. The severity of SLE can be mild or serious. This is because SLE may cause severe damages towards the major organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain. Complication of SLE is chronic inflammation, especially of the kidneys, joints, and skin.
2. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE)
- CLE is lupus limited to the skin in which the immune system only attacks the skin. The complications are severely irritating which might cause various types of rashes and lesions. Itchiness and pains due to these rashes might cause difficulty to sleep. Around 10% of lupus cases in the world are CLE.
3. Drug-induced lupus
- Drug-induced lupus is caused by certain prescription of medications (drugs). It will cause lupus-like symptoms. Around 10% of lupus cases in the world are drug-induced lupus. This type of lupus is normally caused by high doses of certain medications. Symptoms of drug-induced lupus are similar to SLE. However, the symptoms are usually subsided when the medications are discontinued.
Medications known to induce lupus-like symptoms in some individuals include the blood pressure medications hydralazine and methyldopa, a heart medication, procainamide, and D-penicillamine, which is used in cases of metal poisoning.
4. Neonatal Lupus
- Neonatal lupus is a very rare condition where it affects infants of “lupus mom”. This type of lupus is caused by antibodies from the mother acting upon the fetus in the womb. At the initial stage after birth, the baby may experience the symptoms like skin rash, liver problems and low blood cell counts. Fortunately, these symptoms typically disappear completely after 6 months and it does not last any long-term damage or effect towards the baby.
Fatigue is a Significant Symptom of Lupus

Fatigue lupus has severely affected lupus patients where 76% of lupus patients are forced to cut back their social activities due to lupus fatigue.

There are several factors that might contribute to lupus fatigue which includes side effects of lupus medications, poor sleep due to pain from lupus and complications of lupus like anemia, thyroid disease and clinical depression.
In some patients it may be caused by fibromyalgia.

About one-third of people with lupus have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia affects the muscles and soft tissue. Fibromyalgia causes chronic pain, tenderness, fatigue, irritable bowels, and trouble sleeping.
Poor blood circulation or anemia can be a result of the autonomic nervous system disruption caused by lupus too. Anemia might be a sign of inflammation where the immune system is attacking the red blood cells or it might be because of internal bleeding from a damaged blood vessel.
When the red blood cells are damaged, oxygen carried to the body tissues and organs are not sufficient enough to provide energy for the body. Typically, you feel you can't be bothered to do anything, your muscles feel heavy, and you get tired very quickly.
Thyroid problem is another factor contributing to lupus fatigue. Thyroid is a small gland controlling the metabolism, the speed at which the body converts fuel into energy. When the gland is underactive and the metabolism functions too slowly contributing to tiredness.
Autoimmune thyroid disease is common in lupus. A thyroid gland that is functioning improperly can affect the function of organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and skin.
Fatigue can also be a side effect of medications.
How to Alleviate Lupus Fatigue
Besides following medication instructions, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced diets and taking supplements are helpful too to reduce lupus symptoms especially lupus fatigue.
1. Regular Exercises

Exercise moderately at least 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week.
Regular exercises are undoubtedly beneficial for health. Regular exercise is the most effective energy booster. According to researchers, exercise can significantly increase energy levels for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Besides, exercise will increase the release of endorphins which will reduce pain and create feelings of pleasure to our brain. In this way, it is helpful for us to manage our stress and inhibit stress hormones that will negatively impact the body.
2. Enough Sleep

Getting sufficient sleep is crucial for the body to rest and recharge. Our body tends to churn out stress hormones to keep us awake and alert when we are sleep deprived. This is particularly harmful for your health.
It is important to get at least seven hours of slumber per night to optimize our health.
If you are facing difficulty to sleep or having lite insomnia, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds which contain high levels of the natural sedative would be helpful for you. Besides, diets rich in fibre and low in saturated fat are helpful for quality sleep too.
3. Effective Stress Management

Mind-Body Therapy like meditation is crucial in helping to manage and alleviate our stress. It is never easy to cope with the pains and complications caused by lupus. Between 15 to 60 percent of lupus patients will experience clinical depression. Symptoms of clinical depression included sadness, insomnia, anxiety and lack of energy.
Hence, it is crucial to manage the stress from lupus. Mental well-being always plays a critical role in our health.

Eat more antioxidant-rich foods (such as green, leafy vegetables) and fruits (such as blueberries, pomegranates, and cherries). Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar. Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold-water fish, or beans for protein. Avoid coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco. Keeping hydrated is crucial too. Hence, drink plenty of fluids.
5. Supplements
Despite maintaining healthy lifestyle and balanced diets, there are several supplements which have shown to be promising in relieving lupus fatigue.
Top 5 Supplements for Lupus Fatigue

Vitamins B are helpful and effective for the body to fight stress and tiredness. There are numerous types of Vitamin B Group which are helpful to fight fatigue.
a. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps to support mental wellbeing and mood. This is helpful for people suffering with clinical depression due to “insane” lupus symptoms.
Besides, Vitamin B1 enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy.
b. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is important to reduce oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals in the body which will cause tiredness.
Besides, Vitamin B2 helps break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, maintaining the body’s energy supply. Vitamin B2 can be found in grains and cruciferous vegetables.
c. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) plays a part in reducing fatigue. Main functions of Vitamin B6 included protein and glucose metabolism, and the manufacture of haemoglobin.
d. Vitamin B12 plays an important part to transform the calories into energy for the body tissues to function efficiently. Despites, Vitamin B12 helps to maintain red blood cells and nerve cells. For vitamin B12, shellfish, mackerel, fortified cereals, seafood and meat are the good sources.
Iron supplement

Iron helps to preserve many vital functions in the body, including general energy and focus, gastrointestinal processes, the immune system, and the regulation of body temperature.
In terms of fatigue, iron is a mineral vital to the function of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells to transport oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues throughout the body.

Anemia is one of the possible complications of lupus which would lead to fatigue.
Anemia occurs when the number of red blood cells circulating the oxygen in the body decreases which at then end, contributing to the fatigue. This is because the body cells and tissues do not have enough oxygen to convert body needed energy.
Iron is an effective solution combating low energy. Food sources of iron included clams, fortified cereals and dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of iron supplement varies between ages, ranging between 8-18mg for adults.
However, there are health risks from excessive iron intake which might lead to a build-up of iron in the liver and other organs. Thus, it is important to consult with your doctor to see if iron supplements are right for you.

Blood flow and oxygen delivery are crucial to aid energy levels. Citrulline is the amino acid that was often found in pumpkins, cucumbers and watermelon.
Citrulline is an effective supplement which will help to reduce fatigue symptoms by increasing nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide plays the role of vasodilator which will cause the inner muscles of blood vessels to relax and hence widen the veins.

Widened veins will increase blood circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrients to travel efficiently to all body tissues and hence produce energy more efficiently.
One of the severe complications of lupus is kidney problem which urea circulation will be affected causing the risks of excessive ammonia in the body.

Citrulline also plays an important catalyst for urea cycle. It helps to eliminate ammonia from the body. Too much ammonia in the body will cause psychological problems like confusion and tiredness.
Citrulline supplements included L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate.
According to studies, recommended dosage of Citrulline Supplement is 3–6 grams per day of L-citrulline or approximately 8 grams per day of citrulline malate.

Magnesium is an important mineral which helps the muscle and nerve function, as well regulating blood pressure. Magnesium helps to maintain health of muscles, including the cardiovascular muscle. Cardiovascular problems are part of lupus complications. When the heart has been attacked by the immune system, there are possibilities that the heart couldn’t pump the blood efficiently to every body tissue.
Besides, many lupus patients are suffering from insomnia, majority due to pain of joints and other lupus symptoms. Magnesium plays the role as a sleep, rest and recovery aid to fight bad sleep, fatigue and tiredness.
Almonds, spinach, and cashew nuts are some of the foods highest in magnesium.
PPARs Supplement

The Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARs) is a group of nuclear receptor proteins that are beneficial in increasing and regulating the expression of genes. PPARs are beneficial and crucial for the body in fighting diseases and providing fuels and energy to the cells.
There are three subtypes of PPARs: the PPAR alpha, the PPAR beta/delta and the PPAR gamma.

The PPAR Alpha is widely expressed in body tissues with high fatty acid catabolic activity like the liver, heart and intestine. Activation of the PPAR alpha is beneficial in lowering triglyceride level and is involved in regulation of energy homeostasis.
The PPAR beta/delta presents in many tissues but markedly in the brain, lungs, skeletal muscle and skin. It promotes the oxidation of fatty acids, ketone body synthesis and glucose sparing.
The PPAR gamma is ubiquitous. It presents in almost all tissues including heart, muscle, colon, kidney, pancreas and spleen. PPAR gamma promotes the triglyceride storage which is highly favourable for the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism.
In terms of fatigue, PPARs work to increase oxygen for the body cells and tissues. Activate cells functions and increase cells respondents. Besides, one of the powerful functions of PPARs with high concentration of Cell Growth Factor (C.G.F.) is that it rejuvenates cells and supports the healing process of damaged body tissues.
According to studies, PPARs are helpful for reversing the symptoms of lupus by reducing the hypertension, endothelial dysfunction and organ damages caused by lupus. PPARs also are effective in inhibiting inflammatory mediators.
Among the top 5 supplements, the PPARs supplement is the most effective in combating lupus fatigue and other lupus symptoms. This is because despite healing and providing energy to the body tissues, PPARs bring along the anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic properties too, which the other supplements do not.
Where and how can you get PPARs Supplement
Our Simply Nature PPARs is one of the most recognized PPARs Supplements available in the market. We have been around for years and have accumulated plenty of testimonials and reviews from medical doctors and users. It is highly popular in Singapore and The Philippines. Besides, Simply Nature PPARs is made up of 100% natural plant-based whole food which are totally free from additives, binder, fillers and any artificial substances, which means there are no side-effects to the body. It is highly recommended for lupus patients.
There are 4 different types of Simply Nature PPARs which you could acquire:
1. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Liquid

This is the most expensive Simply Nature PPARs product compared to other Simply Nature PPARs Series products, but it is the most effective one as well. This is because each vial of Simply Nature Extract Liquid holds the amount of potency as high as 1,000 tablets. This PPARs Extract Liquid is meant for those with critical needs and anti-ageing purposes.
There are 6 liquid vials in a box of PPARs Extract Liquids.
2. The Simply Nature PPARs Plus Tablets

Compared to other consumable forms, capsules and tablets are always the most convenient forms of supplements. The Simply Nature PPARs Plus Tablet contains almost 100 times more than normal vegetables of chlorophyll. Hence, it is beneficial for the blood purification and anti-toxic process of the body. It is beneficial for constipation issues.
The tablets are chewable and there are 150 tablets for each bottle of PPARs Plus Tablet.
3. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Soft Gel Capsule

Compared to tablets, soft gel capsules are easier to swallow. From the perspective of taste, soft gel capsules have no taste or unpleasant smell. Thus, Simply Nature PPARs Extract Soft Gel Capsule is suitable for those with difficulty to swallow and are sensitive with herbs tastes and smell.
4. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Powder

Compared to the other delivery forms of supplements like soft gel capsules and tablets, the powder is always easier and more effective for the body to absorb nutritional support.
If you are facing the difficulty of swallowing capsules or tablets, this PPARs Extract Powder is your ultimate best choice. The Simply Nature PPARs series is available on Simply Nature’s official Lazada, Shopee account or our Simply Nature official website
To reduce your lupus fatigue, do consider taking supplements. Should you like to find out more about how our PPARs products have helped patients successfully before, do reach out to us as we have many testimonials on recovery. If you would like a second opinion, feel free to let us match you with one of our renowned doctors and they will be able to advise based on your unique lupus condition.